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大家好!我是Jean,我來自台灣。16歲那年決定前往美國接受教育。於2016年畢業於美國的 University of Utah,擁有Mass Communication Studeis BA 學士學位。 求學期間擔任國際學生會會長以及國際學生顧問,擁有豐富的即時翻譯以及第二語言教學經驗。除了英語教學,也將時間精力貢獻在Creative writing,希望用更有創意的方式讓大家可以透過寫作得到更豐富的單字量、句型等。 我的教學風格強調互動和實踐,鼓勵大家參與,並提供各種技巧,讓所有人更容易模仿和掌握英語。除此之外,我更在乎教導如何理解和應對不同文化中的英語使用方式,以使你們能夠自信地在全球交流。如果喜歡不同的學習方式,歡迎來我的課堂喔~


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[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English
The "Gratitude Journaling in English" class is not like the usual ones. At the start, Jean discusses the topic and some vocabulary with us. After that, we begin writing. Jean also shares her writings by showing her screen. Everyone can choose if they want to share their writings with the group. Jean is always friendly and thoughtful. Instead of just a class, "Gratitude Journaling in English" feels more like a weekly chance to come together, write down and clear out our thoughts from the week, and get a fresh start.
22:30 Feb 25, 2024

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[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English

00:38 Feb 19, 2024

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Chia-pei Chen

[Speaking & Writing ] Speak with Impact: Mastering Communication with the Rule of 3
Jean is very good at encouraging classmates to share ideas. She inspires us to organise our thoughts with 3 points so we can deliver our thoughts clearly. This skill helps us to communicate efficiently in business environment.
22:21 Nov 18, 2023

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Emily Hung

[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English
Gratitude journaling has definitely brightened up my week. I'm feeling more alive and energized after taking the course.
23:43 Feb 25, 2024

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[ Speaking ] Let It Out: Expressing Anger and Gossip

23:40 Jun 26, 2024

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[ Speaking & Writing ] Storytellers' Oasis: Learning Through Creative Writing
Jean is skilled at encouraging people to think about how to write paragraphs and express their thoughts verbally. The class is so enjoyable that time flies by. I highly recommend that those looking to improve their English thinking skills join this class.
22:53 Mar 30, 2024

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Ya Ting Tasi

[ Speaking ] Chat, Chuckle, and Converse! 趣味英文互動坊
00:05 Sep 08, 2023

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[ Speaking ] Chat, Chuckle, and Converse! 趣味英文互動坊
Jean 上課方式很有帶入感~一開始都會跟同學聊聊生活,在聊天過程中Jean 也會針對大家口語上的修正做紀錄~It’s quite a wonderful experience in learning English.
20:42 Sep 08, 2023

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Emily Hung

[ Writing ] Gratitude Journaling in English
I highly recommend this class to those who want to organize their thoughts and experience the magic of writing!
17:16 Dec 25, 2023

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LinkedIn Profile Review
Jean is very friendly and patient. She took time to get to know everyone quickly and prepared a lot to share with us. We all have time to practice and ask questions.
21:31 May 21, 2023

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Stanley Han

[ Speaking ] Chat, Chuckle, and Converse! 趣味英文互動坊
09:13 Mar 03, 2023

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LinkedIn Profile Review
A small but informative workshop! Apart from useful tips to produce LinkedIn self-description and experience, I also learned how to connection with others of the same field or hobbies on Linkedin in a casual way.
18:26 May 21, 2023