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Alex 來自美國,畢業自威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校,主修人類學,同時熱愛經濟、哲學與歷史。畢業後來到台灣,成為專職的英文老師,擁有國際認可的英語教學執照 CELTA,累計有10年以上教學經驗。教學之餘喜歡閱讀,爬山,旅遊,最喜歡的電影是《刺激1995》。


Students Participated


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Topics Created


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News Discussion Class w/ Alex
Alex engages students in discussions about current events. He also provides opinions from different angles and broadens students’ views.
02:54 Jan 15, 2023

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News Discussion and Critical Thinking
Insightful and helpful
21:10 Dec 07, 2022

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Amy Chen

News Discussion and Critical Thinking
During every discussion, Alex and other peers always express a wide variety of perspectives upon the topics and news. Furthermore, despite that I am not familiar with the news that are going to be discussed during the class, I actually enjoyed the discussion and learnt a lot while doing my own research for the new topics. What makes me even more satisfied is the high quality of teacher-student involvement, which always inspires me to go deeper and wider for the topics.
16:52 Nov 23, 2022

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News Discussion and Critical Thinking
Very inspirational course with challenging topics. Alex prepared a lot and share many interesting opinions with us. Alex 的問題切入文章重點,引導大家思考的同時也會分享許多自己的觀點,很有趣!
00:36 Nov 23, 2022

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News Discussion Class w/ Alex
I do not like this class as Alex gave little feedback about our English during the class. Even we asked to write some suggestions/comments in the chat room so that we can take away after class, the feedback is really limited. I feel very frustrated in attending this session.
06:09 Nov 04, 2022

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News Discussion and Critical Thinking
00:18 Aug 18, 2022

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News Discussion Class w/ Alex
I really enjoyed Alex class and really learned o lot from him. He provided the material a few days before the class so I had enough time to prepare and I could find more information related to to topic. For some difficult concept, he explained with examples and easy words, which made me understand more easily.
08:44 Aug 12, 2022

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News Discussion Class w/ Alex
23:01 Aug 10, 2022

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News Discussion Class w/ Alex
Each week I learn new words from the materials and discussions in Alex's class, which helps me accumulate vocabulary gradually and gain diverse perspectives from my classmates.
23:36 Jul 19, 2022

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News Discussion and Critical Thinking
Alex teaches the class by using critical thinking to understand and discuss global events. Before the class begins, he send an article to introduce the topic and a set of questions that will guide discussion.
23:34 Mar 30, 2023

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News Discussion and Critical Thinking
Alex is an incredible teacher, sharing lots of article / news /report with us. He has always provided good insights and listened what we said and given us feedbacks accordingly. The class let me read and know lots of global news and understand whats going on in the world now. As a global citizen, being aware of the world news and having critical thinking ability are very important in nowadays. Thanks Alex, you are nice and patient!
21:52 Jun 24, 2022

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This Is America: A Critical Look at the United States
Every session includes a few readings. Students need to prepare before starting the discussion, or they will have difficulties answering Alex's questions. The topics are all special and can provide insight into one aspect of the US – a compelling opportunity for anyone curious about exploring this unique superpower. Btw, Alex has extensive knowledge about the US so students can feel free to ask him any questions during the class.
23:25 Aug 31, 2023